Come one, come all: Friends of the Inyo needs you! Bring your friends, bring your kids, bring a stranger? Friends of the Inyo is hosting a pop-up cleanup event at Mammoth Mountain Chair 4 parking lot. Where: We will be meeting at the chair 4 parking lot along Minaret Rd When: 10am Friday, October 25th What: trash grabbin’ all the roadside gunk left over from the busy season. Trash Grabbers, Gloves, and Bags will be provided. If you have time please pre-register: Sign Up!
Sierra Nevada
Alabama Gates 2024 is a weekend of FREE community events in Lone Pine, California, November 15 – 17, 2024, commemorating the centennial of the Alabama Gates Occupation. This significant historical event occurred when the people of Owens Valley non-violently seized the Los Angeles Aqueduct’s control gates just north of Lone Pine on November 16, 1924, diverting the entire flow of the aqueduct into the historic Owens River channel in protest of the City of Los Angeles’ aggressive land acquisition and water harvesting activities within the valley that began with the construction of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in 1913. The 1924…
Join Friends of the Inyo, Earthworks, and Community Environmental Advocates, for a virtual Mining Threats in the Sierra Nevada webinar, hosted by the Sierra Nevada Alliance. California and specifically the Sierra Nevada region is both an old and new extractive frontier, with hotspots of environmental injustice. Abandoned gold rush era mines have left a toxic legacy that continues to impact communities and ecosystems. Recently, high gold prices have sparked renewed interest in exploration for open pit mines, threatening biologically diverse and sacred landscapes from the Sierras to the desert. Meanwhile, rising demand for electric vehicles is driving a “white gold…