A summary of the Trail Ambassador’s season thus far (time is flying!): Intro by Stewardship Director, Lindsay Butcher I said it before, and I’ll say it again: This season has zipped past, blink and you’ll miss it! The TAs are still out on trails clearing downed trees, collecting water quality data, educating visitors on LNT, picking up after folks who leave trash behind 🙁 and leading the last of thier interpretive hikes in September. Most of our Volunteer events have already happened: so far we’ve- installed a new section of the Rock Creek Boardwalk, deconstruted obsolete grazing fencing in the…
The September Juniper is your LAST CHANCE for all things summer stewardship season fun with Friends… of the Inyo! That cool autumn breeze has arrived, and it is the perfect time to get out on the trail on one of our interpretive hikes or volunteer in honor of California Biodiversity Week & National Public Lands Day! From art and yoga, to learning about snakes, foraging, or the geological forces that created the Sierra Nevada and beyond—don’t miss these opportunities, and the wonderful people who lead them, before we say goodbye to our 2024 season of summer naturalist programs.
The August Juniper is full of opportunities to get on the land, get moving, volunteer, learn, or just have fun with Friends… of the Inyo! From strolling and sketching, to yoga and picnics, to learning about snakes, to creating cyanotypes using elements from nature, to learning about the geological forces that created the Sierra Nevada, to helping clean up and restore the Eastern Sierra’s beautiful lands and waters—Friends of the Inyo offers a variety of engagement opportunities for everyone.
A summary of the Trail Ambassador season thus far: Intro by Stewardship Director, Lindsay Butcher How are we already almost to August?! This season has whipped past, blink and you’ll miss it. The TAs have been out on trails since mid June getting the good work done and we have a stellar crew this year spanning from Lone Pine to Bridgeport. They have already hosted a handfull of volunteer events but if you want to get out and get your hands dirty alongside our TAs we have ample volunteer events coming down the pike: Golden Trout Backcountry Work Week, Rock…
Come support the Owens Valley Indian Water Commission at LADWP’s Board Meeting, this Tuesday, July 9! Contribute a public comment verbally during the meeting, or written online before 6pm on Monday, July 8. Every voice matters!
The July Juniper is full of opportunities to get out, learn, and give back with Friends of the Inyo! Check it out!
It’s been a busy time since last year! Read about Friends of the Inyo’s many accomplishments, which would not have been possible without your support!
The needs of our Stewardship Program are many! Please read a heartfelt fundraising appeal from Friends of the Inyo’s Executive Director Wendy Schneider, and Stewardship Director Lindsay Butcher, and give online by going to
Join Friends of the Inyo and our partner, Conservation Lands Foundation, in urging Congress to support increased funding for the Bureau of Land Management for the maintenance and protection of Public Lands today and for future generations. With voting on Fiscal Year 2025 Interior Appropriations set to happen in the coming weeks, your comments will be MOST EFFECTIVE if received by July 9. Get involved today!
The Inyo National Forest is seeking public comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for its Coyote Flat Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Enhancement Project (Project #61311) to improve road and motorized trail management in the Coyote Flat area for public safety and resource protection. The public comment period began May 18, and closes on June 17. Please read Friends of the Inyo’s Action Alert to help you learn how to comment and understand issues of concern to highlight in your feedback to the INF.
Meet this season’s Trail Ambassadors! Buy your dad (or grad, or anyone you love, for that matter) some Fat Trout brand coffee from Black Sheep Coffee Roasters and help Friends of the Inyo at the same time! Get ready for June Lake Trails Day on Fourth of July Weekend! And soooo many more news and happenings: But if you don’t read “The Juniper,” you’ll never know! Happy reading…Happy sharing!
Make your voice heard! Attend the Inyo County/Los Angeles Standing Committee Meeting at 11 a.m. this Thursday, May 30, in Independence or online via Zoom. The Standing Committee will receive comments from the public. Find out how you can get involved!