Action Alerts


UPDATE on Action Alert: Help Us Stop LADWP’s Newest Water Grab, Make Your Voice Heard Against Deep Aquifer Groundwater Pumping

Update on our last Action Alert to stop LADWP’s Deep Aquifer Groundwater Pumping: your voices matter! Thank you all who wrote in and made your voices heard last week: LADWP retracted the deep aquifer groundwater pumping documentation (Notice of Exemption/Notice of Determination) from the Inyo County Clerk on October 8, 2024. and has stated that any forthcoming proposed well replacement project will be subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). While we know this attempt to pump from the deep well aquifer is likely far from over, we want to thank everyone who spoke out and made it clear…

Action Alert Social Media Square

Action Alert: Help Us Stop LADWP’s Newest Water Grab: Make Your Voice Heard Against Deep Aquifer Groundwater Pumping

LADWP is trying to avoid public and environmental scrutiny for new, deeper wells in Owens Valley by claiming they are “replacement” wells under the 1991 Environmental Impact Review. We need to push back hard against these efforts to increase extraction without any environmental analysis and write to LADWP to tell them they cannot skirt the California Evironmental Quality Act for this new strategy of deep aquifer groundwater pumping.  

Action Alert Social Media Square

Action Alert: Urge Congress to support increased funding for the Bureau of Land Management. Act by July 9!

Join Friends of the Inyo and our partner, Conservation Lands Foundation, in urging Congress to support increased funding for the Bureau of Land Management for the maintenance and protection of Public Lands today and for future generations. With voting on Fiscal Year 2025 Interior Appropriations set to happen in the coming weeks, your comments will be MOST EFFECTIVE if received by July 9. Get involved today!

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Action Alert: Comment on INF’s Draft Environmental Assessment for Coyote Flat OHV Recreation Enhancement Project by 6/17!

The Inyo National Forest is seeking public comments on a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for its Coyote Flat Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Enhancement Project (Project #61311) to improve road and motorized trail management in the Coyote Flat area for public safety and resource protection. The public comment period began May 18, and closes on June 17. Please read Friends of the Inyo’s Action Alert to help you learn how to comment and understand issues of concern to highlight in your feedback to the INF.

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Action Alert: Attend a Public Meeting Thurs., May 23, to Get Informed on the Inyo National Forest’s Coyote Flat OHV Draft Environmental Assessment!

The Inyo National Forest will host a public meeting this Thursday, May 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Cerro Coso Community College’s Bishop Campus, as well as online via Zoom for those who cannot attend physically, to discuss proposed actions at Coyote Flat and let the public know how to submit comments on its Draft Environmental Assessment for the Coyote Flat Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Enhancement Project. Learn how you can get involved by attending the public meeting!


ACTION ALERT REMINDER: Protect Our Water! Join the Inyo/LA Technical Group Meeting TOMORROW, Thursday 5/9 (In-person or Online)

Protect Eastern Sierra Water! At 9am on Thursday 5/9, representatives from Inyo County and LADWP will meet to discuss LADWP’s plans for pumping water from the Eastern Sierra for the 2024-2025 runoff year. Let’s make our voices heard. Come to this meeting and advocate for reduced pumping and ecosystem recovery.

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ACTION ALERT: Protect Our Water! Attend the Inyo/L.A. Technical Group Meeting Next Thursday, May 9! In-person and Virtual Options Available!

The Inyo/Los Angeles Technical Group, which consists of representatives from Inyo County and LADWP,  will meet Thursday morning, May 9, in Bishop, to examine technical aspects of water management (LADWP’s Draft Annual Operations Plan). Attend in person or virtually and make your voice heard for Eastern Sierra water protection!

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Ask Federal Agencies to Provide National Park Passes for New Naturalized Citizens at Swearing-in Ceremonies as a “Welcome to America” Gift!

To qualify for citizenship, naturalized U.S. citizens must have resided legally in the country for a minimum of five years, paid taxes, kept a clean police record, passed an English language and U.S. history test, and paid fees of up to $760. Let’s welcome them as New Americans with an America the Beautiful Park Pass!