
Wild Places

June 18, 2018

The Honorable Jim Portantino, Chair Senate Appropriations Committee State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: AB 2615 (Carrillo) – SUPPORT: State Highway System: Parks and Recreation: Accessibility for Bicycles & Pedestrians

Dear Chair Portantino:

On behalf of the above signatories, we are writing to respectfully urge your support for the above- referenced legislation.

AB 2615 would, to the extent feasible, require the Department of Transportation to partner with public agencies to develop strategies and plans to maximize safe and convenient access for bicycles and pedestrians to federal, state, regional, and local parks adjacent to or connected to the state highway system, a modified “Safe Routes to Parks Program.”

We support AB 2615 for the following reasons:

➢ Local park and recreation departments and districts, along with youth-serving NGO’s, have a long

history of working in concert with state entities and local public works departments tasked with deploying policies and practices to modify behavioral practices in order to promote the value of healthy and active lifestyles.

➢ According to the Centers for Disease Control, exercise can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke,

and the development of type 2 diabetes. Creating safer routes can reduce barriers to outdoor venues to promote fitness and exercise opportunities.

➢ According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, in 2016, 5,987 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States, 16% of all traffic fatalities. In 2016, 840 cyclists were killed nationwide according to the same association.

➢ This bill will build upon and enhance California’s robust “complete streets program.”

Again, we respectfully request your support for AB 2615. If you have any questions, please contact Doug Houston at 916-447-9884.

Read Full Text of Assembly Bill 2615


Pilar Alcivar-McCoy Legislative Chair California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS)

Cailin O’Brien-Feeney State and Local Policy Manager Outdoor Industry Association

Rico Mastrodonato Senior Government Relations Manager The Trust for Public Land

Kenji Haroutunian Director California Outdoor Recreation Partners

Austin McInerny President National Interscholastic Cycling Association

Matthew McClain Executive Director Mammoth Lakes Recreation

Steve Barker Founder Wild Places

Andrea Mackenzie General Manager Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Ana Montaño Ruiz Acting General Manager Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District

Rue Mapp Founder & CEO Outdoor Afro

Kevin Tatsugawa, PhD Associate Professor Wilderness Leadership Program Coordinator Movement Science Sport & Leisure Studies Westfield State University

Sean Barclay General Manager Tahoe City Public Utility District

cc: The Honorable Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee

Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo Mark McKenzie, Staff Director, Senate Appropriations Committee Jennifer Douglas, Committee Assistant, Senate Appropriations Committee Jessica Billingsley, Consultant, Senate Republican Caucus

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