Update on our last Action Alert to stop LADWP’s Deep Aquifer Groundwater Pumping: your voices matter!
Thank you all who wrote in and made your voices heard last week: LADWP retracted the deep aquifer groundwater pumping documentation (Notice of Exemption/Notice of Determination) from the Inyo County Clerk on October 8, 2024. and has stated that any forthcoming proposed well replacement project will be subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
While we know this attempt to pump from the deep well aquifer is likely far from over, we want to thank everyone who spoke out and made it clear that this project could not go under the radar as is, without proper public notice and environmental review. You have been heard!
Background: At the beginning of the month, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) attempted to slide new, deeper wells into the 1991 Environmental Impact Report with an addendum claiming these wells were “replacements” not needing further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act. Their environmental reports page said public review ended Friday the 11th, yet there was no page or place given for the public to offer comments. Friends of the Inyo posted an action alert calling for members of the public to write in via email to express concern over not only this new concerning strategy of deep aquifer groundwater pumping, but also the sneaky way in which this project was not properly vetted environmentally or publicly.
Eastern Sierra Water Alliance in the Inyo Register.