Come one, come all: Friends of the Inyo needs you! Bring your friends, bring your kids, bring a stranger? Friends of the Inyo is hosting a pop-up cleanup event at Mammoth Mountain Chair 4 parking lot. Where: We will be meeting at the chair 4 parking lot along Minaret Rd When: 10am Friday, October 25th What: trash grabbin’ all the roadside gunk left over from the busy season. Trash Grabbers, Gloves, and Bags will be provided. If you have time please pre-register: Sign Up!
road cleanup
It will be a serious Sunday stewardship day this coming Oct. 6th, for anyone who cares to join the Keep Long Valley Green Coalition and Friends of the Inyo for a highway cleanup from 10 AM to 1 PM. In order to have our beautiful Keep Long Valley Green sign on US 395 by Crowley Lake, we have to clean up the area twice a year. Therefore, before the snow flies, (or at least before it sticks) join us for a volunteer trash cleanup. It’s a to great way to give back! Tools, safety gear, and coffee/donuts will be provided….