Conglomerate Mesa needs our protection!

Canadian company K2 Gold’s “modified” mining proposal could impact up to 15 acres of pristine lands that are sacred to Paiute-Shoshone and Timbisha-Shoshone peoples in Southern Inyo County, and a haven for thriving Joshua Trees and other threatened plants and animals.

Join us Labor Day for a “Protect Rally” at Spainhower Park in Lone Pine, as we tell K2 Gold we want them to go home! Click on the image at left to download our flier. Help us share this information with others!

Want to help us make posters for the rally? Come to Friends of the Inyo’s Lone Pine Office at 142 E. Bush Street, across from the post office, on Weds., Aug. 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. Materials and food will be provided!

Also, please refer to our Action Alert and send your comments to the BLM to help shape the Environmental Impact Statement they are requiring before any exploratory drilling can be approved. The 60-day public comment period is open till October 16.

Thank you. For any questions, please contact Friends of the Inyo’s Desert Lands Organizer, Jaime Lopez Wolters, at