Food, Friends, and Fun at our 2018 Open House
Thanks for making our Open House another big success! Over 40 people arrived to ask about policy, events, and projects. With our packed summer calendar, everyone wanted to know about how to join us to work on their favorite trails at our volunteer events. Others came to chat about our hot policy issues, like the BLM’s decision to allow exploratory drilling at Perdito Canyon on Conglomerate Mesa. And with delicious snacks on every table and frosty beverages out back, there was truly something for everyone at the event.
Enjoy some photos from the event, and be sure to join us at another one of our events this summer; they’re always a good time!
Friends of the Inyo’s entire board and staff would like to thank everyone who came by to kick off our summer in style.
Like everything we do, all of our events are powered by donations from public lands lovers like you. Join us by making a gift today!