Celebrate another year of preservation, exploration and stewardship at the Sixth Annual Friends of the Inyo Rendezvous on Saturday, September 29 at the Obsidian Flat Campground on the edge of the Owens River Headwaters Wilderness!
Enjoy hiking during the day or relaxing at the campground with fellow members and volunteers. In the evening, FOI will host dinner (a burrito bar!) and non-alcoholic beverages, along with potluck dessert, followed by live music around the campfire and sleeping under the stars. The Rendezvous will finish with a full breakfast (massive egg scramble!) on Sunday morning.
Where: Obsidian Flat Campground, on the edge of the Owens River Headwaters Wilderness
When: Guests are welcome to arrive anytime from 9 a.m. onward on Saturday, September 29. Please bring a chair, water, sunscreen and snacks. If spending the night, bring your camping gear. There is a bathroom on site. Guests can enjoy a leisurely day hanging out at camp or participating in one of three nearby explorations.
Explorations begin at 10 a.m. at the Obsidian Flat Campground. Pack a lunch and bring plenty of water and sunscreen if you plan on joining one. Glass Creek Meadow Hike with James Wilson and Dave Herbst, who will talk about springs, meadows, hydrology and climate change. Deadman Creek Mountain Bike & Hike with Paul McFarland, where we will begin at base camp and bike to the end of Deadman Creek, then proceed on foot to an exploration of the creek’s headwaters and red fir forest. Botany Walk with Steve McLaughlin.
Evening Celebration will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a member/volunteer meeting and FOI activity update by Board President James Wilson followed by appetizers, dinner, dessert and non-alcoholic beverages hosted by FOI. Please feel free to bring your own choice of alcohol! Rendezvous is BYOB. After dinner, we will enjoy live music and conversation around the campfire. Coffee and breakfast will be served to all campers on Sunday morning.
RSVP by September 21 to Catherine Billey at (760) 873-6500 or email cat@friendsoftheinyo.org