The Inyo National Forest released their Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Draft Record of Decision for the proposed Mammoth Base Land Exchange on August 28.
The Forest Supervisor proposes to exchange 35.7 acres of National Forest System lands at the base of Mammoth Mountain for 1,213.2 acres of privately owned lands. Between scoping and the FEIS, federal lands were reduced by 104.9 acres due to the loss of a parcel in Lundy Canyon (20.6) and in Dexter Canyon (84.3 acres), while Mammoth Mountain’s acreage increased by 5.1 acres. Although the exchange would result in more environmentally sensitive lands coming under public ownership, it has the potential to degrade wildlife habitat, water, and recreation on public lands adjacent to Mammoth Mountain.
The Forest Service Describes the exchange as “Exchange of approximately 35.6 acres of National Forest System land, currently under special use authorization to Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, located near the Main Lodge north of Highway 203 for approximately 1296.7 acres of private land in California”
Friends of the Inyo submitted comments on the DEIS in August 2017 and is reviewing the FEIS in consideration of filing an objection.
read more at the Forest Service Website