Mammoth Lakes Area Trails Report
July 28, 2013
The Mammoth Pass trail from Horseshoe Lake is finally clear of all trees! A few weeks ago Forest Service crews sawed out all of the large trees left from the 2011 windstorm from the Mammoth Pass junction to Crater Meadows. This week Friends of the Inyo removed the last six trees obstructing the Mammoth Pass trail, so the trail is now completely open all the way to Upper Crater Meadows.
The four-wheel drive road north from Minaret Vista towards Deadman Pass has an impressive wildflower display along the ridge. With over 40 plants flowering along the road, including a striking number of scarlet Gillias and sulfur buckwheats, this is a great route to explore or feet or wheels. Slow down a bit and pay special attention to the yellow-flowered sulfur buckwheats as they are a favorite nectar plant for a number of small butterflies known as “blues.”
Sky and Gentian Meadows from the Emerald Lake trailhead are mostly out of bloom, but the creek leading to the meadows maintains some interesting riparian (creek-side) species.
Over the past few weeks, Friends of the Inyo and a handful of hardworking volunteers improved many sections of the Valentine Lake trail. Much of the tread was rocked (meaning loose rocks were removed) and restored, and farther up the trail some encroaching brush received a long-overdue trim to make the trail much more visible and easier to walk. Unfortunately, since we were last there another tree has blown across the trail. Take care in walking around the tree to not disturb the natural terrain.
New trail signage has also just been installed across the Panorama Dome hiking and mountain biking trail system. Take a ride or a stroll up to this newly rebuilt trail network and enjoy knowing where all the junctions lead!
The recent rains have impacted a number of roads and trails around the Forest. In some places trails have washed out or had large rocks deposited into the tread. If you notice any trails or roads that have been affected or need some TLC, drop us a note at
This trail report is provided by Friends of the Inyo with support from the Town of Mammoth Lakes – Mammoth Lakes Trails System funding. The next opportunity to get out and give back to your public lands is August 3 at the trails from the Coldwater Campground. Join the Inyo National Forest, MLTPA and Friends of the Inyo for the fourth 2013 Summer of Stewardship project working to improve and maintain these popular trails. For more info contact Drew Foster at