LADWP will provide minimal amount of water
In late April, DWP indicated by correspondence that it will provide a minimal amount of water for irrigation in Long Valley this year.
In early April, the KLVG coalition submitted official comments on DWP’s Urban Water Management Plan pointing out that the data provided by DWP in its draft plan indicates that it is possible for the agency to meet the water demands of its ratepayers and drastically reduce, or even eliminate, reliance on water exported from the Eastern Sierra over the next 25 years. In spite of this, the agency’s draft plan indicates only a de minimus reduction in planned water exports from our area in the coming decades. The coalition is now working on official comments regarding the agency’s Bi-State Sage Grouse Adaptive Management Plan. The focus of the KLVG comments will be to clarify that the small amount of water DWP seems to believe is necessary to maintain a healthy sage grouse population in Long Valley certainly will not suffice to maintain a healthy ecosystem in Long Valley. The coalition continues to seek an agreement from DWP for the provision of water every year pursuant to the application of a formula based on each year’s snowpack.