Join Friends of the Inyo for weekend hikes into newly designated wilderness areas. Be sure to bring lunch, sunscreen and weather-appropriate clothing for an all-day adventure. Email for more information, or call (760) 873-6500, and check back here for meeting places, maps and hike details.
July 4 Yost Creek to Glass Creek Meadow
Celebrate the freedom of the wilderness on a strenuous shuttle hike into the Owens Headwaters Wilderness. Leaving from the Fern Lake trailhead in June Lake, we’ll climb to Yost Meadows and then descend cross-country to Glass Creek Meadow, enjoying wildflower displays all the way. Hike leader:Paul McFarland
July 18 Dana Plateau/Glacier Canyon
Enjoy the rush of Glacier Creek and the sweeping views of the Dana Plateau on this short but steep hike in the small but scenic addition to the Ansel Adams Wilderness, just east of Yosemite National Park. Hike leaders: Margy Verba and Jack Shipley
August 1 Sonora Pass
Walk a moderate section of the Pacific Crest Trail in the northern addition to the Hoover Wilderness. Hike leaders: Margy Verba and Jack Shipley
August 2 Methuselah Trail, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
SUNDAY. Celebrate high altitude scientific research and the oldest trees on earth on this hike that begins at Schulman Grove in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, which received permanent protection in the Omnibus Public Lands Act. This hike is held in conjunction with the annual White Mountain Research Station open house. Hike leaders: Bill Mitchel and James Wilson
August 8 Gardisky Lake*
A little work brings a big reward in a steep 1.5 miles. Nestled beneath Tioga Peak, Gardisky Lake is a fine destination in the Bighorn addition to the Hoover Wilderness. Join FOI at Tioga Pass Resort for a post-hike reception.Hike leaders: Stacy Corless and Deb Bendinelli
August 15 Robinson Lake*
A sweet spot out of the Onion Valley/Kearsarge Pass area west of Independence, Robinson Lake offers dramatic views of the Sierra crest and Owens Valley. Hike leader: Sydney Quinn
August 16 Blanco Mountain
SUNDAY. Blanco Mountain is a perennial favorite, even more of a treat now that this summit is part of the White Mountains Wilderness. Hike leader:Darren Malloy
August 29 San Joaquin Ridge*
Take in Friends of the Inyo’s signature vista and get a good look at the Owens Headwaters Wilderness from atop the ridge on this strenuous hike. Hike leader: Stacy Corless
October 3 Leavitt Meadows*
Fall colors should be in full swing for this moderate amble in the nothern Hoover additions, west of Bridgeport. Hike leaders: Deb Bendinelli and Stacy Corless
October 24 Granite Mountain
Explore the wilds of eastern Mono County and enjoy the angled light of autumn on a hike to Granite Mountain, the jewel of this eponymous desert wilderness area. Hike leaders: Margy Verba and Jack Shipley
* Well behaved dogs (leashed in staging areas and under voice control elsewhere) are welcome on these hikes.