We need your help.
With some grant funding unavailable due to the pandemic, funding our Trail Ambassador program in 2020 will be more challenging than in past years. At the same time, we expect unusually high visitation to our region once travel restrictions are lifted and public lands reopened. As GivingTuesdayNow approaches, we are reaching out to ask for your support. Please consider making a donation this giving Tuesday.
Double your donation!
Our Board of Directors has committed to match all the donations we receive, up to $16,000. So when you make a donation of $100, our Board matches your donation, donating another $100, totaling a $200 donation.
What is #GivingTuesdayNow?
GivingTuesdayNow is a new GivingTuesday event being held in addition to the annually scheduled GivingTuesday event that takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This global event is set to spark an increase in grassroots generosity, citizen engagement, and philanthropy, to provide support for communities and nonprofits around the world.