Toward a Greener Future with Friends of the Inyo!

The license plate on the Toyota RAV4 AWD Hybrid in the photo reads “4FOI24” (“For Friends of the Inyo in 2024”)! It is a generous 2023 year-end gift from our Board Treasurer, Chris I. Lizza, and is valued at $35,000.

With another $10,500 from our other Board Members, we now have $45,500 as a matching gift for our Year-End Fundraising Campaign. We have also taken the first step toward replacing our aging vehicles with more energy efficient, ecologically responsible ones—as befits any conservation organization.

Every dollar you donate toward our $45,500 year-end match, beginning on Giving Tuesday, will be DOUBLED, giving us $91,000 to continue modernizing our vehicle fleet and meeting other needs in the New Year.

So, get ready to give to Friends of the Inyo this #GivingTuesday, Nov. 28! A donation page will go live on our website at midnight, starting a 24-hour giving frenzy! Stay tuned!