Death Valley National Park needs hearty citizen science volunteers to help with annual monitoring of endemic plant species at the Eureka Dunes. This is a great activity for giving back to nature during Earth Day Month!
Monitoring will be strenuous, requiring climbing to the tops of tall dunes and hiking up to five miles each day. Volunteers are encouraged to commit to an entire four-day monitoring period if possible. You can choose from the following dates:
- April 10-13,
- April 17-20, or
- April 24-27.
At least two volunteers are needed for each four-day volunteer assignment.
Volunteers will camp with park staff at the Eureka Dunes Campground. Please bring your own water! Park Service staff confirms that the Eureka Valley/Death Valley Road is open, although it might be washboarded in places.
Those interested should contact Death Valley National Park Biological Science Technician Carol Fields at Carol_Fields@nps.gov, or 760.786.3252.
Please DO NOT contact Friends of the Inyo with questions, as we are simply helping Death Valley National Park staff spread the word. Thank you!