Business Letter of Support

Comments (4)

I support Friends of the Inyo and the effort to protect our conservation lands. Preserve the natural beauty of our wilderness and recreation areas. Some things are more important than profits.

Thank Jordan! If you have not already, please consider submitting comments to the Ridgecrest BLM opposing this exploration proposal

Heather Cullen Knapp

Allowing K2 Gold to proceed with an open-pit cyanide heap leach gold mine or any associated exploratory drilling on protected the land of the Conglomerate Mesa is essentially stealing from the American People and future generations thereof. The Conglomerate Mesa is an environment of rich and distinct diversity that cannot be found anywhere else in the world and it deserves protection and preservation at all costs because it a SHARED RESOURCE. Not only will K2Gold destroy this public resource, an open pit cyanide heap leach gold mine will use precious resources that are already scarce. The damage of this drilling project is unforeseen and will likely cause destruction in ways yet to be seen or predicted. We are at a crossroads with this and one of those roads is clearly a dead end.

Hi Heather – I appreciate your comment and support of protecting Conglomerate Mesa. If you have not already, please consider submitting comments to the Ridgecrest BLM opposing this exploration proposal. Only commenting on the FOI website won’t be counted! Here is the comment submission link for your convenience. My best,

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