

The Juniper Newsletter August 2020

In this month’s issue of the Juniper, read Alex’s August Stewardship Updates in his blog Post below. We are also happy to officially announce that we are recipients of the 2020 Wild and Scenic Rivers Stewardship Partnership Funding Award enabling us to do lots of great work in the Owens River watershed. I’m also excited to share “Birds & Blossoms in the Bodie Hills,” a virtual outing led by FOI’s own Jora Fogg, and Nora Livingston from the Mono Lake Committee. And we are hosting another virtual event “Sport Fishing in the Eastern Sierra,” presented by our Trail Ambassador, Lindsay…


The Juniper Newsletter July 2020

The fight for Conglomerate Mesa ramps up as K2 Gold takes over,and a proposed trail in Solitude Canyon threatens the health of the last remaining roadless canyons of the area. You will also find news of the Alabama Hills National Scenic Area draft plan Environmental Assessment and virtual meetings later this month. Finally, this month’s “Meet the Staff,” features Desert Lands Organizer, Bryan Hatchell, and FOI Trail Ambassador, Lindsay Butcher.


The Juniper Newsletter June 2020

Read about what our 2020 Stewardship program will look like during this pandemic, updates on a few campaigns, get to know our Stewardship Director, Alex Ertaud, and so much more. We also plan to share many important updates on several campaigns very soon, so keep your eyes open for those as well. We are committed to being a part of the solution to racism. Our first steps are beginning justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) training for our staff and board, as well as working to integrate JEDI goals and policies into our organization’s strategic plan.


The Juniper Newsletter May 2020

In this issue of The Juniper, you can celebrate Endangered Species Day from home, participate in a virtual outings to Conglomerate Mesa, and make your voice heard concerning the use of e-bikes on non-motorized trails. We hope you enjoy this month’s issue of the Juniper. Thank you for your continued support, especially to those of you who have made or plan to make a donation for #GivingTuesdayNow. And if you haven’t given already, all donations will still be doubled by our Board of Directors, up to a total of $16,000. We are grateful for members like you, allowing us to…


The Juniper Newsletter April 2020

In this issue of The Juniper, we update you on the Haiwee pumped storage project, Keep Long Valley Green campaign, and status of the Bi-State sage grouse federal listing. We are also glad to provide some materials from Leave No Trace on indoor activities for kids and how to recreate responsibly outside during this period of social distancing, if you choose to do so. And finally, we provide resources to learn more about the closures of developed recreation sites by the BLM and Forest Service here in California.


The Juniper Newsletter March 2020

In this Juniper, you will find updates on the Keep Long Valley Campaign, Panamint Valley lithium mining exploration, and Conglomerate Mesa gold mining exploration. You will also find several opportunities to attend events in March and April. Come explore the snow-covered Bodie Hills, gaze up at the dark desert sky with telescopes, explore Owens Lake and the thousands of migratory birds, or volunteer surveying plants in the remote parts of Eureka Dunes in Death Valley National Park!


The Juniper Newsletter February 2020

February continues to be a busy month for Friends of the Inyo. In this month’s Juniper, you will have the chance to read updates on a number of projects. We also have a wide variety of events happening in the next few weeks and months. In Lone Pine, Bishop, Mammoth, and Bridgeport, we have events throughout the Eastern Sierra and we hope to see you around. And remember, early registration for the Owens Lake Bird Festival begins on February 15th and outings fill up fast. Open registration for non-members will begin on March 1st. So if you’re not a member yet, become one today to get access to register early. I hope you enjoy this month’s Juniper!


The Juniper Newsletter January 2020

In this Juniper you will find the opportunity to read the latest updates on the Alabama Hills, to learn about our support of fire restoration in the Eastern Sierra, and to read about your opportunity to participate in the Eastern Sierra Sustainable Recreation Partnership Public Workshops. And finally, the Owens Lake Bird Festival is coming soon. Make sure your membership is current so you can get access to early registration before outings fill up. We look forward to seeing you in April on Owens Lake!