We are wrapping up our fourth year, in partnership with Mammoth Lakes Trails & Public Access (MLTPA) and the Inyo National Forest, of our 2012 Summer of Stewardship Days (SOS). Thanks to everyone that came out to be a part of this year’s Mammoth Lakes Trail Crew. Over just 5 events, we accomplished a lot of work, here’s a look at the numbers: 82 logs cut out of trails 5.35 mi of trail maintained 1,100 ft of illegal and redundant trails rehabilitated 1,468 lbs of trash removed 31 trail structures maintained 7 trail structures built 3 bear boxes relocated 1…
Mammoth Lakes Basin
PCT/JMT south of Mammoth This “Back Forty” of the Mammoth Lakes District is where hikers will run into challenging obstacles as a result of the massive November 30, 2011 tree blowdown. The trail is clear until Purple Lake, at which point the trail crew is still cutting a path through the flotsam & jetsam. Thru-Hikers have created fairly easy-to-follow “go-rounds”, so route finding is not so much a trouble, but travel times should be adjusted for the extra effort. These obstacles are intermittent from Purple to timberline en route to Silver Pass. Equestrian travel through this zone would be inappropriate…
Come have fun and learn about the beautiful Mammoth Lakes Basin with a Friends of the Inyo steward on a Geology Tour, Wildflower/Nature Hike and/or Gold Mine Tour this summer! This program, which is offered by Friends of the Inyo in partnership with the Forest Service, kicked off on Sunday, July 8, and will run through September – stay tuned to our website for updates! Geology Tour Learn why all the trees at Horseshoe are dead and many other amazing facts on a half mile walk to McLeod Lake. When: Fridays & Saturdays at 10 a.m. and Sundays & Mondays at…
THIS JUST IN! The following Conditions Reports are from FOI’s Wilderness Steward., Deb Bayle. A longtime Wilderness Ranger, Deb is working this summer, along with fellow Steward, Michael Rodman, to provide friendly faces in the Wilderness Areas (Ansel Adams, John Muir, Owens River Headwaters, and Hoover) on the North Zone of the Inyo National Forest. Funded through a number of sources, including Mono County, Columbia and the National Forest Foundation, Friends of the Inyo’s Wildenress Steward program, in partnership with the Inyo National Forest, seeks to ensure our local Wilderness Areas enjoy the benefits of professional, seasoned Stewards walking and…
Friends of the Inyo is hosting SYRCL’s Wild & Scenic Film Festival in the Eastern Sierra for the fifth year in a row! We’re bringing beautiful, inspiring and thought-provoking movies about environmental activism and outdoor exploration in three venues on December 2, 3 and 8. Enjoy food, drink and great raffle prizes (raffle entry included with $10 ticket purchase). December 2 – Mammoth Lakes, Edison Theatre at 7 p.m. For specific venue and film program info, go here. December 3 – Bishop, Cerro Coso College, at 7 p.m. For specific venue and film program info, go here. December 8 –…
Come have fun and learn about the beautiful Mammoth Lakes Basin with Friends of the Inyo steward Carole Lester! Pictured below, she talks about wildflowers on one of the summer’s popular wildflower hikes. In partnership with the Inyo National Forest, the following programs are running through October 2. Geology Tours Learn about why all the trees at Horseshoe Lake are dead and many other amazing facts on one of these half mile walks to McLeod Lake. When: Saturdays & Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Where: McLeod Lake Trailhead at Horseshoe Lake Consolidated Mine Tours Join Carole on one of these one-hour tours…
December 3, 4 and 9, Friends of the Inyo hosts The Wild & Scenic Film Festival for the fourth year running! We’re bringing three evenings of films focusing on outdoor exploration and environmental activism to the Eastern Sierra, plus great raffle prizes (raffle entry included with your ticket), food and drink. Take advantage of our special membership offer and go to the festival for FREE: Renew or join before December 3 and get FREE tickets to the film festival! You’ll get 1 ticket per $35 donation; two tickets per $50 donation; and an all-festival pass for two per donation of…
Another successful National Public Lands Day under our belt here at FOI! We got good work done blocking off motorized paths into new wilderness areas by Mammoth Mountain, painted lots of tables, and cleaned up the Glass Creek Meadow trailhead. A phenomenal Member Rendezvous Party at the Obsidian Flat Group campground followed the workday, thanks everyone for coming out; it was a nice relaxing evening with some great music by our talented members. My group for the workday obliterated something like 7 campfire rings (one of which was the size of a bathtub!), and brought in and delineated the…
Boxer, McKeon Introduce Legislation to Name Mono County Mountain Peak for Conservationist Andrea Lawrence Lawrence, Who Was an Olympic Skier, Former County Supervisor, Passed Away Last Year Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and U.S. Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) today introduced legislation to name a peak in Mono County “Mt. Andrea Lawrence,” in memory of the late Andrea Lawrence – a conservationist, three-time Olympian and former member of the Mono County Board of Supervisors. Senator Boxer said, “Andrea Lawrence’s life centered on mountains, first as a talented Olympic skier and then as a dedicated…
Andrea was a champion in every sense; a leader, an inspiration and a friend to all in the conservation movement in the Eastern Sierra and far beyond. We will miss her! Please join us at a memorial this Sunday. Memorial gatheringIn tribute to Andrea Mead Lawrence1932 – 2009 Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm Mountainside Conference CenterMammoth Mountain Ski Area Main LodgeMammoth Lakes, California 5:30 Doors open 6:00 Program begins promptly Designated speakersFilm profile of Andrea by Olympic historian Bud Greenspan 8:00 Appetizers, beverages, Andrea’s favorite carrot cake, good company, and a chance to share stories…