Long Valley Mining


ACTION ALERT: Protest this Saturday, Nov. 20, Noon to 3 p.m. in Mammoth against KORE Mining!

Mammoth Lakes area activists are organizing a peaceful protest this Saturday, Nov. 20, from Noon to 3 p.m. A Facebook page that provides details has been set up and you can access it from this blog post. “The goal of this protest is to bring awareness to community members in Mammoth Lakes and the Eastern Sierra about KORE Mining’s intentions to implement an open pit gold mine” in Long Valley, the protest Facebook page says. “We are encouraging folks to make signs and banners in preparation for the event.” Friends of the Inyo supports this peaceful protest.


Long Valley Exploration Drilling Expected to begin Nov. 30, Inyo National Forest Says

The Inyo National Forest announces that work on the Long Valley Exploration Drilling Project is expected to begin in two weeks. The forest has received notification from the project proponent, KORE Mining, Ltd of their intent to begin exploratory drilling as early as Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Previously, work was expected to begin as early as Tuesday, November 16, 2021.


Help Fight Multiple Threats of Harmful Mine Development

Three beautiful Eastern Sierra landscapes, Conglomerate Mesa, Long Valley and the Bodie Hills, are under threat from foreign mining companies whose proposed projects would generate profits for them at the expense of  destroying economically and ecologically important landscapes in Inyo and Mono counties. These projects threaten the scenic beauty of our landscapes with toxic contamination of soil and water, damage to the habitat of struggling species, dust, noise and light pollution, all conditions that are detrimental to our area’s recreational tourism and ranching economy. These proposals to destroy lands for profit also show great disrespect to the Eastern Sierra’s native…

Kore Mining coalition comments preview

Kore Mining’s Long Valley Drilling Requires Environmental Assessment | Coalition Comments

Coalition Opposes Forest Service’s proposed Categorical Exclusion to Drill for Gold in the Long Valley Read the full letter here Background and Main Objections Kore Mining intends to proceed with exploratory drilling under a catagorical exclusion (CE) to, circumvent environmental review, from the Forest Service. Friends of the Inyo coauthored a 40 page with a powerful coalition of local, regional, and national groups.  argued wrote a 40 has long enjoyed serving and recreating in the Alabama Hills. This important document outlines how the plan does not meet Forest Service regulations for a categorical exclusion, and should require an environmental assessment…


Rotten to the Kore | The Sheet

Christopher Leonard’s piece highlights the issues and concisely explains Kore Mining’s proposal to mine gold from the perspective of a local fly-fishing guide. This article was featured on the front page of the annual Green Sheet or page 9 of the .pdf.