Cascade Valley from “Second Crossing” to the JCT of the PCT/JMT

More wild than ever. The massive November 30, 2011 tree blowdown hit Cascade hard, and travel is slow going. Route-finding is not so much as challenging as is the effort and time to avoid the obstacles. This year’s low water makes for less worrisome crossings of fish creek (second & third x-ings are bridgeless).  Although the Backcountry Horsemen and other crews are working hard to open up cascade, the trail is virtually unpassable and should be for much of the field-going season. Cascade is, at this point, not recommended for equestrian use, or for those uncomfortable with cross-country travel.

Considerations For Overnight Travel

A free Wilderness Permit is required for overnight visitors and is available at the USFS Visitor Center.  There are New Wood Campfire Restrictions, in addition to the 10,000 ft elevation closure. These new regulations are in response to the impact of repeated visitation and use, designed to protect habitat.  it is your responsibility to be aware of and respect these site-specific regulations; ask at the Visitor Center & reference your Wilderness Permit.

Bear Activity

The bears of Cascade Valley are wild & unhabituated to human contact. Please help to keep them this way by protecting your food at all times. Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!

Wilderness means that humans are but passing visitors. Please act as a Wilderness Steward and keep the place wild & healthy by Leaving No Trace of your visit, and have a great adventure!

Prepared by Michael Rodman, FOI Wilderness Steward

June 29, 2012